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点击数:11519 来源:十大正规买足球网站 作者: 录入:人员机构 更新时间:2018-11-23

邹华红 [研究员]






邹华红, 博士生导师,中国化学会高级会员,十大正规买足球网站省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室研究员。研究兴趣是多功能配合物和分子磁体及其应用, 主要围绕多功能导向的单分子磁体及结构修饰, 簇合物的组装过程与机理等方面开展研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,广西自然科学基金3项。迄今以通讯作者在Nat Commun., Coord. Chem. Rev., Chem. Eng. J., ACS Materials Lett., Inorg. Chem. Front.,  Chem. Commun.,  Inorg. Chem.等刊物上发表SCI论文100多篇,含Top期刊论文40多篇,引用3500多次,H指数35。以第一发明人获授权发明专利30多项,已转让27项。兼任Magnetochemistry编委,Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry青年编委,Molecules客座编委https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hua_Hong_Zou)


1. 多功能配合物

2. 稀土簇合物的组装过程与机理

3. 分子磁体


[1] Y. L. Li, H. L. Wang, Z. H. Zhu*, Y. F. Wang, F. P.Liang*, H. H. Zou*. Aggregation induced emission dynamicchiraleuropium(III) complexes with excellent circularly polarized luminescenceandsmart sensors. Nat. Commun, 2024, 15, 2896.

[2] B. Yu, Z. H. Zhu*, W. W. Qin, H. L. Wang*, Y. L. Li, F. P.Liang*, H. H. Zou*. Enhancement of Luminescence, Multiple-Sensing,and Differentiated Live-Cell-Imaging Properties of High-Nuclear LanthanideNanoclusters via the Zn(II)-Chelate-Controlled Dual Antenna Effect. ACS Materials Lett.,2024, 6,3312–3326.

[3] Y. L. Li, H. L. Wang, Z. H. Zhu*, F. P. Liang*, H. H. Zou*. Recentadvances in thestructural design and regulation of lanthanide clusters:Formation andself-assembly mechanisms. Coord. Chem. Rev., 2023, 493, 215322.

[4] Y. L. Li, H. L. Wang, Z. C. Chen, Z. H. Zhu*, Y. C. Liu, R. Y.Yang, F. P. Liang*, H. H. Zou*. Lanthanoidhydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: Enhancement of luminescence by thecoordination-promoted antenna effect and applications in heavy-metal ionsensing and sterilization. Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 451, 138880.

[5] Y. L. Li, J. F. Ai, Z. C. Chen, H. L. Wang, Z. H. Zhu*, F. P.Liang, H. H. Zou*. Multiple StrategiesEnhance the ROS of Metal−Organic Frameworks for Energy-Efficient PhotocatalyticWater Purification and Sterilization.  ACS Materials Lett., 2023,5, 1317−1331.

[6] Y. L. Li, W. W. Qin, H. L. Wang, Z. H. Zhu*, F. P.Liang, H. H. Zou*. Highly stabledrone-shaped lanthanide clusters: structure, assembly mechanism, and crystalline–amorphoustransitions. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 5337–5346

[7] W. W. Qin, Y. L. Li, Z. H. Zhu*, F. P. Liang, Q. Hu*, H. H. Zou*. Highly stable anddifferentially arranged hexanuclear lanthanide clusters: structure, assembly mechanism,and magnetic resonance imaging. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10,6269–6281.

[8] B. F. Long, S. Yu, Z. H. Zhu,* Y. L. Li, F. P. Liang*, H.H. Zou*. Coordination site manipulation of the annular growthmechanism to assemble chiral lanthanide clusters with different shapes andmagnetic properties. Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 5950–5959.

[9] H. L. Wang, T. Liu, Z. H. Zhu, J. M. Peng, H. H.Zou*, F. P. Liang*. A series of dysprosium clusters assembled by asubstitution effect-driven out-to-in growth mechanism. Inorg. Chem.Front., 2021, 8, 2136−2143.

[10] H. L. Wang, T. Liu, Z. H. Zhu*, J. M. Peng, H.H. Zou*, F. P. Liang*. pH manipulates the assembly of a series ofdysprosium clusters with subtle differences. Inorg. Chem. Front.,2021, 8, 3134−3140.


1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目1项;

2. 主持广西自然科学基金项目1项。


1. 含羧基的多官能团配体功能配合物的构筑及其性能研究,2013年广西自然科学一等奖(5/6)。